Articles in the 中文资料 Category
Chinese Left, Rural China, 中文资料 »

English translation of classic essay by Wen Tiejun: “While analyzing the concept of modernization, the article also explores the path, approach, and objective of modernization in China. Through the examination of the historical development of Western European countries, the author points out that modernization in the West was in fact a process of capital formation and expansion by way of colonization. Under the current international political and economic circumstances, this path of development cannot be replicated. By examining the reality of developing countries, the author discovers that the “modernization ” path of development represented by a high national income and a fast rate of urbanization cannot solve the widespread problem of “the three big disparities” (between incomes, urban and rural areas, and regions). The author points out that the vulgar (cufangshi) economic growth caused by the capitalization of resources is not the only objective we strive to achieve. Modernization in China should instead ground itself in the basic situation of a country with a large population and a severe shortage of resources, and it should adopt a scientific approach in striving to realize “the five overall considerations” (tongchou).”
Contemporary China, 中文资料 »
Earlier this month, Wen Jiabao gave a rare interview to CNN:
Interview with Wen Jiabao (video)
Interview with Wen Jiabao (transcript)
And now this article by “Zheng Qingyuan” is “making the rounds”:
沿着正确政治方向积极稳妥推进政治体制改革 (新华/《人民日报》)
Translation: Strive for a brighter future (China Daily)
Western media have picked up on this, too:
Chinese Article Seems to Chide Leader (New York Times; requires registration)
Update (October 31st, 2010):
Yu Jiantuo: Public finance key to reform (China Daily)
Zheng Qingyuan: 以更大决心和勇气推进改革 (《人民日报》)
Translation: Full steam ahead with reform (China Daily)
Husunzi, International Observer, Rural China, 中文资料 »

“Peasants vs. Global Capitalism: On ‘The People’s Forum for Food Sovereignty’” - Chinese article about the forum held in Rome in November 2009, by one of the two Chinese participants. One of the first Chinese articles to introduce the concept of “food sovereignty,” relating the struggle of food producers and consumers in other countries to China’s situation.
Chinese Left, CSG Translations, Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

Regarding the present upsurge of worker action in China, liberals have used their discursive power in the overseas media to frame the strike wave as a tale of workers’ struggle for ‘independent unions,’ as if this were a repetition of Solidarnosc. What do Chinese workers want? What is the direction of the Chinese workers movement? Those who support the movement and are concerned about the fate of the working class should provide an account matching the reality of the movement. This letter of support provides a perspective different from those predominant in the mainstream media.
LangYan, Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

For the protection of workers’ rights and the right to democratic election of worker representatives, the workers of Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co. Ltd has stopped work for nearly half a month. During the stoppage of work, we received support from both the domestic and international communities. The support has given tremendous boost in the morale of the workers’ struggle!