Articles tagged with: social movements
LangYan, Ongoing Struggles, Workers »

China Strikes is a great new site that maps labor unrest across China. It is easy to add strike reports to the map, and anyone can do that.
About This Site:
The purpose of this site is to track strikes, protests and other collective actions by Chinese workers to defend their rights and interests. We hope that over time the site will serve as a resource to those wishing to better understand and support the labor movement in China.
The categories we use for strikes are based on the type of …
Chinese Revolutionary History, Contemporary China, International Observer »

For much of the working class and oppressed communities in India, the Chinese “model” is not its current capitalist market system, but the socialist revolution that preceded it under the leadership of Mao. In both nations the desperation of hundreds of millions in the face of “globalization” is growing, now heightened by the worldwide capitalist crisis. Though each government has shown an ability to buffer some of the worst effects of this collapse, and taken recent measures to ameliorate the burdens on the working classes, in the longer run they will not be able to escape the growing contradictions of world capitalism. Already, in both China and India, protests against ever widening polarization, impoverishment, corruption, land thievery and ecological devastation are growing in number, size and violence. For the Chinese, who had a revolution and then turned back to the capitalist road, it would take a major reversal to once again move toward socialism. India never had a similar revolutionary socialist transformation, but the forces to carry it out are stronger now than ever. The Indian and Chinese working classes and leftist forces today increasingly face parallel conditions under global capitalism led by an imperial United States. Though they have little contact at present, the future may bring a new unity, as the contradictions of the world capitalist system deepen and drive them more closely together.
International Observer »
Analysis of the situation of “peasants,” agro workers & migrant workers in relation to global capitalism today in comparison with earlier turning points
Chinese Left, Contemporary China, Rural China »
In the 1980s, the main people expressing discontent were urban, and the reform of rural China was largely judged a success. While throughout the 1990s rural unrest intensified markedly, it was not until the publication of Li [Changping]‘s letter that this crystallized into a new recognition within the public sphere that rural China was in a crisis. This anxiety has given rise in recent years to a diverse set of rural activities, experiments, and research that have coalesced into a rural social and cooperative movement, the so-called New Rural Reconstruction Movement (Xin xiangcun jianshe yundong, hereafter NRRM).
International Observer, Rural China »
From the special double issue of Journal of Agrarian Change on “Transnational Agrarian Movements,” vol. 8 nos. 2-3 (April 2008), pp. 462-488.
This contribution spotlights overt collective action as the form of everyday peasant politics in post-socialist China. It first considers the interlinking in the post-socialist period of global neoliberal capitalism and internal (so-called) primitive accumulation by corrupt officials and eager entrepreneurs. Against this background it examines the collective protests of the last 20 years, focusing first on the issue of corrupt local power and then on land seizures. It argues …