Articles tagged with: 中文
Chinese Left, CSG Translations, Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

Regarding the present upsurge of worker action in China, liberals have used their discursive power in the overseas media to frame the strike wave as a tale of workers’ struggle for ‘independent unions,’ as if this were a repetition of Solidarnosc. What do Chinese workers want? What is the direction of the Chinese workers movement? Those who support the movement and are concerned about the fate of the working class should provide an account matching the reality of the movement. This letter of support provides a perspective different from those predominant in the mainstream media.
LangYan, Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

For the protection of workers’ rights and the right to democratic election of worker representatives, the workers of Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co. Ltd has stopped work for nearly half a month. During the stoppage of work, we received support from both the domestic and international communities. The support has given tremendous boost in the morale of the workers’ struggle!
LangYan, Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

Workers in Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. of Foshan City started to resume work on a conditional basis in the evening of 1 June. The resumption of work was a result of the mediation of members of the National People’s Congress and Mr. Zeng Qinghong, Deputy Director and General Manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. We agree to temporary resumption of work for three days on the condition that the management shall provide satisfactory answers to our demands. Otherwise, the strike action will continue.
Ongoing Struggles, Workers, 中文资料 »

To all those who are concerned with workers in China: On May 17, 2010, more than 1800 Honda workers in Foshan decided to go on strike. By May 27, all four Honda plants in China had stopped production. Let us unite and exert pressure on Honda. We want to tell Honda: stop all your efforts to divide and suppress workers and meet workers’ demands.