Articles tagged with: food
Husunzi, International Observer »

The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS) has published during the past couple of years several cutting-edge articles on (trans)national agrarian movement politics, food sovereignty and La Via Campesina. Several of these articles can be downloaded free of charge from the journal website until 31st March 2011.
Husunzi, International Observer, Rural China, 中文资料 »

“Peasants vs. Global Capitalism: On ‘The People’s Forum for Food Sovereignty’” - Chinese article about the forum held in Rome in November 2009, by one of the two Chinese participants. One of the first Chinese articles to introduce the concept of “food sovereignty,” relating the struggle of food producers and consumers in other countries to China’s situation.
Husunzi, Rural China »
Overview of four Chinese articles on climate change and rural development, by Dale Wen and Dan Ran. Announcement about an International Workshop on Sustainable Food & Agriculture in Beijing, March 12-15.
Husunzi, Rural China, Women »

Yet another report on this alternative development project in Sichuan, this focusing on Gao Qingrong, one of 1,000 “grassroots women” chosen from around the world as potential nominees for the Nobel Peace prize in 2008. This is from a new group blog posting interviews with people from a variety of backgrounds in Asian countries, aiming to complicate the picture presented in mainstream Western media.