Articles tagged with: development
Chinese Left, Rural China, 中文资料 »

English translation of classic essay by Wen Tiejun: “While analyzing the concept of modernization, the article also explores the path, approach, and objective of modernization in China. Through the examination of the historical development of Western European countries, the author points out that modernization in the West was in fact a process of capital formation and expansion by way of colonization. Under the current international political and economic circumstances, this path of development cannot be replicated. By examining the reality of developing countries, the author discovers that the “modernization ” path of development represented by a high national income and a fast rate of urbanization cannot solve the widespread problem of “the three big disparities” (between incomes, urban and rural areas, and regions). The author points out that the vulgar (cufangshi) economic growth caused by the capitalization of resources is not the only objective we strive to achieve. Modernization in China should instead ground itself in the basic situation of a country with a large population and a severe shortage of resources, and it should adopt a scientific approach in striving to realize “the five overall considerations” (tongchou).”
Husunzi, Rural China »
Overview of four Chinese articles on climate change and rural development, by Dale Wen and Dan Ran. Announcement about an International Workshop on Sustainable Food & Agriculture in Beijing, March 12-15.
Husunzi, Rural China, Women »

Yet another report on this alternative development project in Sichuan, this focusing on Gao Qingrong, one of 1,000 “grassroots women” chosen from around the world as potential nominees for the Nobel Peace prize in 2008. This is from a new group blog posting interviews with people from a variety of backgrounds in Asian countries, aiming to complicate the picture presented in mainstream Western media.
Chinese Left, Chinese Revolutionary History, Husunzi, Reviews »

Comments on Chris Bramall’s review of The Battle for China’s Past by Mobo Gao. In this review Bramall makes some criticism that I think Mobo would appreciate, and which may be important for thinking about how to assess PRC history in general. Unfortunately Bramall’s own perspective is limited his developmentalism – that is, his commitment to a vision of economic and social development that, while critical of inequality, assumes the inherent goodness and necessity of things like continued urbanization, increasing labor productivity and output, and – apparently – the industrialization of agriculture and the disappearance of peasant farming.