China Study Group is pleased to announce the launch of the bilingual web-journal China Left Review. Our purpose is to stimulate discussion and collaboration between left-leaning scholars and activists in Chinese and English-speaking worlds. We seek to do this by compiling, translating, and commenting on a variety of works related to controversial and pressing social issues. Our focus is on China, including both the struggles of China's subordinated classes in today's capitalist context, as well as the lessons, positive and negative, that yesterday's socialist experiments provide for those struggles. But we hope also to explore how such struggles and lessons relate to the struggles of people everywhere oppressed by capitalism, patriarchy, and racism, and to contribute to the global circulation of struggles toward building a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world.
We hope eventually to publish several issues a year full of original contributions in both Chinese and English, and translations or summaries of all contents in both languages. At this point, however, we are running almost entirely on uncompensated labor done when most of us should be sleeping or working for capital. As we grow, these stolen moments may add up to a proper voluntary workforce, but for now, we are limiting our goal to two issues per year, each with a few original contributions and translations, and introductory overviews in both English and Chinese.
Works originally published here are common property. You are welcome to use and circulate this material for non-profit purposes, but please indicate that it was originally published by China Left Review.
If you would like to submit a Chinese or English article, essay, story, poem, or picture for publication, or if you would like to help us by translating or working on the website, please contact us at [email protected].
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China studiesAnalysis of economic crisis in China, translated from new German project Gongchao Overview of the situation of migrant workers & their struggles over the past few years. Special issue of EPW on postsocialist capitalism in China, featuring articles by Ching Kwan Lee & Selden, Riskin, Bramall, Wang Shaoguang, Weil, Pun Ngai, Li Minqi, Dale Wen, Dic Lo & Yu Zhang |
Rural StudiesSeniors' organizations in China's new rural reconstruction: experiments in Hubei and Henan Report on New Rural Reconstruction experiments with elderly people's associations in villages in Hubei & Henan, with introduction on NRR in relation to the "new socialist countryside" campaign & the rise of "the three rural issues." Beyond the Peasant International Analysis of the situation of "peasants," agro workers & migrant workers in relation to global capitalism today in comparison with earlier turning points; "semi-proletarianization" as dominant trend; assessment of new transnational agrarian movements as "second front line" The Central China School of Rural Studies Journal issue introducing an important new school of multidisciplinary rural studies & social experimentation based in Wuhan, affiliated with the Chinese New Left & the New Rural Reconstruction current |
int'l observerCurrent crisis regime and impact on class struggle in India Class analysis of unfolding economic crisis in India, historical background & prospects Breakdown of a relationship? Reflections on the crisis Comparison of present financial crisis with previous crises & its significance for the relation between capital & labor A reckoning of global shifts in political and economic relations, with China emerging as new workshop of the world and US power, rationally applied elsewhere, skewed by Israeli interests in the Middle East. Oppositions to it gauged, along with theoretical visions that offer exits from the perpetual free-market present. |
current affairsTaxi Drivers Strike and Want To Set Up Their Own Associations Translation of two Chinese articles on the recent taxi driver strikes in Sanya & Chongqing The leading historian of modern Tibet discusses the background to recent protests on the Plateau. Protests in Tibet and Separatism: the Olympics and Beyond Letter submitted to South China Morning Post |
theoretical trends南方人物周刊专访齐泽克 |
The Cultural Revolution After the “Cultural Turn”
The radical cultural project that the Cultural Revolution placed on the global agenda four decades ago is as urgent in our day as it was then. It also affords a perspective from which to view the present critically.
Be lenient with shoe-thrower, says Chinese premier
The Guardian | 9 feb
Growing opposition to China's 'black jails'
International Herald Tribune | 9 feb
RIGHTS-CHINA: Path to Modernisation Disastrous - Charter 08
IPS | 9 feb
China's migrant workers face bleak outlook
Financial Times | 8 feb
Beijing fights drought as wheat fears rise
Financial Times | 8 feb
Kevin Gallagher: China is a model for recharging the US economy
The Guardian | 6 feb
Hooray! China has bottomed out.
Asia EconoMonitor | 5 feb
Mao Yushi: I'm an Optimist
Economic Observer | 3 feb
From east to west, a chain collapses
China Dialogue | 2 feb
Cleaning up Chinese agriculture
China Dialogue | 29 jan
News Analysis: China Jittery About Obama Amid Signs of Harder Line
New York Times | 24 jan
Now Hip-Hop, Too, Is Made in China
New York Times | 24 jan