China Study Group

China since 1978
by Reddy, ed. | originally published in: Economic & Political Weekly 27 dec 
Special issue of EPW (vol 43 no. 52) on postsocialist capitalism in China, featuring articles by Ching Kwan Lee & Selden, Riskin, Bramall, Wang Shaoguang, Weil, Pun Ngai, Li Minqi, Dale Wen, Dic Lo & Yu Zhang. The EPW website doesn't have links to individual issues, & the "search" bar doesn't work, so select "search for issues" (on the left side of the main page), select 2008 & issue number 52, "search" & the issue should appear. The full texts of all the articles are attached there as PDF files. Only the China-related contents are listed below.

EDITORIAL: Where Is China Going?


Inequality and Its Enemies in Revolutionary and Reform China
Ching Kwan Lee , Mark Selden

Property Rights and the Social Costs of Transition and Development in China
Carl Riskin

Rural Industrialisation and Spatial Inequality in China, 1978-2006
Chris Bramall

Double Movement in China
Shaoguang Wang

A House Divided: China after 30 Years of 'Reforms'
Robert Weil

Light and Shadow of an Inarticulate Age: Reflections on China's Reform
Pun Ngai

Socialism, Capitalism, and Class Struggle: The Political Economy of Modern China
Minqi Li

China's Rural Reform: Crisis and Ongoing Debate
Dale Jiajun Wen

Globalisation Meets Its Match: Lessons from China's Economic Transformation
Dic Lo , Yu Zhang

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China studies

Crisis in China

gongchao | 21 mar

Analysis of economic crisis in China, translated from new German project Gongchao

Faces of Migration

wildcat | 12 jan

Overview of the situation of migrant workers & their struggles over the past few years.

New Masters, New Servants: Migration, Development, and Women Workers in China

Hairong Yan | 23 dec 

Ethnographic study of young women from rural Anhui who work in Beijing as domestics, "the best book to date on migrant labor, gendered domestic labor, and capitalist transformation in China"

China studies tag cloud

Arrighi book Braudel capitalism class collective_enterprises crisis Cultural Revolution development dispossession environment history imperialism internet Labor leftism Mao Zedong market Marx migration modernity neoliberalism new left policy political economy postsocialism privatization protest reform rural reconstruction socialism SOEs theory United States war Women WTO