China Study Group

Rural Studies

Seniors' organizations in China's new rural reconstruction: experiments in Hubei and Henan

March 25 6:23 pm | by Wang Ximing

Report on New Rural Reconstruction experiments with elderly people's associations in villages in Hubei & Henan, with introduction on NRR in relation to the "new socialist countryside" campaign & the rise of "the three rural issues."

Beyond the Peasant International

January 12 1:43 am | by wildcat

Analysis of the situation of "peasants," agro workers & migrant workers in relation to global capitalism today in comparison with earlier turning points; "semi-proletarianization" as dominant trend; assessment of new transnational agrarian movements as "second front line"

The Central China School of Rural Studies

December 30 9:25 am | by Day & Hale, eds.

Journal issue introducing an important new school of multidisciplinary rural studies & social experimentation based in Wuhan, affiliated with the Chinese New Left & the New Rural Reconstruction current

Chinese villages will thoroughly take the Philippine road

December 23 12:25 pm | by Li Changping

In response to Chinese leaders' announcement of policy changes that would accelerate the commoditization of land use rights, Li compares China's situation with the Philippines, calling to protect rural subsistence & its base in collective land tenure from subsumption under market logic, lest millions more rural families lose their land & fall into an even more precarious position in China's globalizing labor market.

The End of the Peasant? New Rural Reconstruction in China

July 8 1:15 pm | by Alexander Day

Introduction to the alternative rural development current of China's New Left and some of their experiments w/ rural cooperatives

From Covert to Overt: Everyday Peasant Politics in China and the Implications for Transnational Agrarian Movements

June 16 2:19 pm | by Kathy Le Mons Walker

Relates everyday peasant politics in post-socialist China, especially land struggles and class consciousness, to transnational agrarian movements such as La Via Campesina


April 8 10:42 am | by 曹锦清



March 18 7:19 am | by 谭同学



January 11 2:32 am | by 贺雪峰



January 11 2:02 am | by 温铁军



Rural Studies tags

academia agrarian capitalism Chinese New Left commoditization cooperatives 现代化 社会主义新农村建设,农民本位的新农村建设,生活方式,� identity land nrr peasants precarity protests rural semiproletarianization seniors social_movements sociology TAM urbanization 另类发展 土地私有化、媒体批评、三农、增收 宋儒 宗法 新农村建设 新乡村建设 殖民化 三农 三农问题 中国国情