China Study Group

csg articles

City of Youth

November 7 12:18 pm | by Robert Weil

Since ancient times, there are those who have dreamed of finding a City of Youth, where the population never ages, and any outsider who comes to live will remain forever young. They probably did not have in mind, however, the kind of "agelessness” found in Shenzhen, China. Lying just over the border from Hong Kong, this "instant city” grew in just over 25 years from a small fishing village to a sprawling metropolitan region now approaching 10 million people. As the first of the Special Economic Zones in China, it was a model for the capitalistic "market reforms” and "opening to the world...

Conditions of the Working Classes in China

November 7 12:12 pm | by Robert Weil

Every class and sub-class stratum in China is undergoing dramatic changes that will have a profound impact on their own role, the relations between them, and the future course of the society. These transformations are especially evident among the Chinese working classes, who are experiencing the most radical alterations in their conditions in many decades. They have major implications not only within China, but for the global system, both in their own direct impact and as one "model” for developments elsewhere as well. The Chinese working classes are today mounting some of the largest protes...

The Cultural Revolution After the “Cultural Turn”

May 23 8:57 pm | by Arif Dirlik

The radical cultural project that the Cultural Revolution placed on the global agenda four decades ago is as urgent in our day as it was then. It also affords a perspective from which to view the present critically.


May 23 8:54 pm | by 韩德强


We Have Been Here Before: The Cultural Revolution in Historic Perspective in the Global Struggle for Socialism

May 23 8:53 pm | by Robert Weil

How do the Paris Commune and, for us here, the Cultural Revolution in China fit into the long historical pattern of apparent defeat, followed by further victories and socialist revival, not only in newer forms, but with greater strength than before?

What Maoism Has Contributed

May 23 8:51 pm | by Samir Amin

The Second International's Marxism, proletarian-and-European-centered, shared with the dominant ideology of that period a linear view of history—a view according to which all societies had first to pass through a stage of capitalist development (a stage whose seeds were being planted by colonialism which, by that very fact, was "historically positive”) before being able to aspire to socialism. The idea that the "development” of some (the dominating centers) and the "underdevelopment” of others (the dominated peripheries) were as inseparable as the two faces of a single coin, bo...

The Impact and Continuing Influence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution on the New Democratic Movement in the Philippines

May 23 8:50 pm | by Rey Claro Casambre


The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) in China from 1966-69 came at a time when the patriotic and democratic mass movement in the Philippines had stirred back to life and was gaining new-found vitality. This resurgent mass movement was in the form of a national democratic revolution that drew inspiration from the victorious Chinese new democratic revolution .

Like pre-1949 China, post-war Philippine society was semi-feudal and semi-colonial. The big compradors and big landlord classes dominated the backward, agrarian, pre-industrial economy. The Philippines wa...

Transpacific Revolutionaries: Latin Americans Learn from Maoist China (a Mexican Case Study)

May 23 8:49 pm | by Matt Rothwell

This paper is part of a larger work in progress, my dissertation, on the influence of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Latin America, using case studies from Mexico, Peru and Bolivia in addition to doing a broad overview of the continent. In this paper, I'll use examples from my Mexican case study to talk about the impact of the Cultural Revolution in Latin America. I've chosen to focus on Mexico because Mexico is, in my opinion, a good representative example for the development of Maoism in Latin America. It's not as spectacular as the Peruvian and Colombian experiences, but it&...

Chinese Foreign Policy during the Maoist Era and its Lessons for Today

May 23 8:47 pm | by David Pugh


In the course of looking at Chinese foreign policy from 1949-1976, this paper focuses on three sets of questions:

• During the Maoist era, how did the Chinese Communist Party address the contradiction between pursuing the state interests of the People's Republic, and supporting revolutionary struggles around the world? To what extent did it handle this contradiction successfully? To the degree to which it was not handled successfully, what were the reasons for these shortcomings? • How did the New Communist Movement in the U.S., which arose in the late1960s and...

The Impact of Cultural Revolution on the International Communist Movement

May 23 8:39 pm | by Pao-yu Ching

The Communist Party of China (CPC) took the leadership of fighting against revisionism after the conclusion of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1956. Therefore, in order for us to understand the impact of China's Cultural Revolution on the international communist movement, we have to understand the CPC's anti-revisionist struggles during the ten years before the Cultural Revolution.

Part one of this essay will discuss the major issues regarding revisionism by reviewing the exchanges between the CPSU and CPC during most of this period. Although ...

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