China Left Review Launched
China Study Group is pleased to announce the launch of the bilingual web-journal China Left Review. Our purpose is to stimulate discussion and collaboration between left-leaning scholars and activists in Chinese and English-speaking worlds. We seek to do this by compiling, translating, and commenting on a variety of works related to controversial and pressing social issues. Our focus is on China, including both the struggles of China's subordinated classes in today's capitalist context, as well as the lessons, positive and negative, that yesterday's socialist experiments provide for those struggles. But we hope also to explore how such struggles and lessons relate to the struggles of people everywhere oppressed by capitalism, patriarchy, and racism, and to contribute to the global circulation of struggles toward building a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world.
We hope eventually to publish several issues a year full of original contributions in both Chinese and English, and translations or summaries of all contents in both languages. At this point, however, we are running almost entirely on uncompensated labor done when most of us should be sleeping or working for capital. As we grow, these stolen moments may add up to a proper voluntary workforce, but for now, we are limiting our goal to two issues per year, each with a few original contributions and translations, and introductory overviews in both English and Chinese.
Works originally published here are common property. You are welcome to use and circulate this material for non-profit purposes, but please indicate that it was originally published by China Left Review.
If you would like to submit a Chinese or English article, essay, story, poem, or picture for publication, or if you would like to help us by translating or working on the website, please contact us at [email protected].
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