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Support Honda Workers in Foshan China

by Chinese Workers Research Network | 3 June 2010 | One Comment | Last modified: 5 Jun 1:28 am

Support Honda Workers in Foshan China

(For Chinese version, see below.)

To all those who are concerned with workers in China:

On May 17, 2010, more than 1800 Honda workers in Foshan decided to go on strike. By May 27, all four Honda plants in China had stopped production.

Why did the workers go on strike? It is because their wages are too low and their conditions are harsh! Formal workers at Honda in Foshan take home 1200 yuan (US$175) a month on average, while intern workers, 80% of its workforce, earn as little as 900 yuan (US$131) a month. Intern workers are students from technical schools who are not protected by the national Labor Contract Law, because they work for Honda under an internship contract. They are given a wage below the local minimum and are not covered by social insurance. What can Honda workers do with the little wages they get, at a time where prices for everyday goods are getting more and more expensive? They have little left, apart from covering their basic necessities. Can they hope to take root in the city? No. Can they work with dignity? No. They cannot afford housing, medical care, child rearing, or to look after their parents. With high inflation, it is difficult for them to take care of their own livelihood.

With all these difficulties, they have reported their situation to management through internal channels, but have been ignored. Their report disappears like a stone in the sea. Thus they are forced to go on strike. They demand a pay raise to 2000-2500 yuan. This is a very reasonable demand, as this was only about the average wage level in Foshan three years ago.

During the strike, they hoped that the company would take their views seriously and alleviate their current difficulties. But what did they get as a response? They met with threats and ridicule and a plot to divide the workers. The company said they would respond in a week. What did the company do in the meantime? The company threatened them: whoever does not return to work will be fired. The company picked out the strike leaders and fired them. The company also threatened all intern workers that if they did not return to work, they will not get their diploma for graduation. This is what Honda did in the interim. On May 24, the company responded that they will provide 55 yuan food subsidy to each worker. What a mockery they made of workers’ demand! Workers are not beggars! Facing Honda’s response, which clearly lacked sincerity, workers were angry and decided to continue their strike.

On May 26, Honda rolled out a proposal to divide the workers: 477 yuan raise for intern workers and 355 yuan raise for formal workers. They hoped to tempt intern workers to return to work and thus “divide and rule.”

What surprised Honda is the unity demonstrated by workers. On May 27, workers counter-proposed 800 yuan raise for all, with no discrimination. Yet Honda did not learn its lesson, but played the “divide and rule” game again: 634 yuan for intern workers after three months and 355 yuan for formal workers. At the same time, Honda exerted more pressure on intern workers and required them to sign a “no strike” commitment before 9 am, May 31. The company also brought local officials and teachers of technical schools to force intern workers to return to work before May 31. Honda had promised that they would address the problem with a positive attitude. Look at what happened. This is what Honda called a positive attitude.

Struggling for survival and for dignity, Honda workers are forced to go on strike. But Honda had no sincere intention to solve the problems; it continuously tried to divide the workers and mobilized others to exert pressure on them. At present, workers have agreed to return to work for three days and allow the management time (before Friday) to respond to their demands. Now is the critical time for the workers’ struggle. Therefore, we appeal to all Honda workers, all worker brothers and sisters, people in China who are concerned with workers, and people in the world who are concerned with workers, to support the struggles of Honda workers in Foshan!

It is because their struggles are reasonable and just. They resist the oppression of their exploiters and they fight for a dignified life for all workers.

Let us unite and exert pressure on Honda. We want to tell Honda: stop all your efforts to divide and suppress workers and meet workers’ demands.

We most sincerely salute the courageous Honda workers!

Contact: [email protected]


Editors of Chinese Workers Research Network

Dr. Yan Hairong (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Dr. Alvin So (Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Dr. Szeto May (University of Hong Kong)

Wong Kai Hing (President of The Hong Kong Polytechinc University Students’ Union)

Dr. Chan Kingchi (City University of Hong Kong)

Dong Xulin (Retiree from the United Nations)

Dr. Du Jiping (Taiwan, editor of Pipan yu zaizao)

Dr. Chen Yunzhong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Dr. Barry Sautman (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Dr. Tong Xiaoxi (Chinese University of Agriculture)

Dr. Fumie Ohashi (JSPS research fellow)


Dr. Wang Hui (Professor, Qinghua University)

Dr. Dong Qingyuan (Engineer in USA)

Dr. Fang Mou (Scientist, USA)

Dr. Ma Yaobang (Writer, Canada)

Wu Jianbing (Poet, USA)

Peng Zhaochang (University of Massachusetts)

Liu Shenyu (Scholar/Writer, USA)

Luo Chiyun (Retired Engineer)

Dr. Ching Pao-yu (Professor Emeritus, Marygrove University)

Dr. Bai Di (Drew University)

Dr. Wang Dan (Hong Kong University)

Dr. Chen I-Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Dr. Anita Chan (Professor, Sydney University of Technology)

Dr. Chen Kuan-Hsing (Professor, Qinghua University, Taiwan)

Zha Jianying (Writer, the China representative of India-China Institute)

Liang Xiaoyan (Chief Secretary of Beijing Western Sunshine Rural Development Foundation)

Chung Ming Lai (Labour Action China)

Zhan Yang (Ph.D. student at Binghamton University)

Dr. Wang Xiaoming (Professor, Shanghai University)

Dr. Zhang Lianhong (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Dr. Gu Jinghua (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Dr. Sun Dacheng (SUNY Binghamton, Emeritus Professor)

Du Guang (Professor, Party School of the Central Committee of the CCP)

Shi Xiaoyu (Scholar of the People’s Livelihood)

He Zhijun (University of Technology Department of Applied Social Science, Professor)

Zhong Xiumei (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwanese Institute, Assistant Professor)

Alexander Day (Assistant Professor of History, Wayne State University)

Greg King (SEIU, Local 888, Boston, MA, USA)

Stephen Philion (Associate Professor, St. Cloud State University)

Gao Mobo (The University of Adelaide,Professor and Director, Confucius Institute)

Daniel F. Vukovich (University of Hong Kong)

Tani E. Barlow (Professor of History, Rice University)

Marc Blecher (Professor, Oberlin College)

Dr. Hu Jiaming (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)




Joan Hinton

靳大成 (中国社会科学院文学研究所文艺理论研究室)

邹德宇 (转业军官)

Lee Feigon

Robert Weil (Retired Labor Organizer and Lecturer UC Santa Cruz)

John Sexton (journalist)

Ralph Litzinger (professor, Duke University)

Matt Hale (University of Washington, Ph.D candidate)

Joel Andreas (Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

Raymond Lotta (Author, Political Economist)

Jackson Turner (Independent Writer, Historian)


Andrew Ross (Professor, New York University)

Steve Louie


The translator is not sure how to Romanize names of many signers from Taiwan. Not wanting to make mistakes in rendering their names, the translator apologize for not including them here. Please check the Chinese version for a fuller list of the signers.






罢工之后,他们希望公司能认真的倾听意见,切实的解决他们的困难。但他们得到的是什么呢?得到的是威胁、嘲弄,还有公司分裂他们的阴谋。公司告诉他们,一周之后解决问题。然而在此期间,公司做了什么呢?公司威胁他们,谁不上工就开除谁;公司找出了带头的工友,把他们开除;公司还威胁所有的实习生,要是他们不上工,就不给他们发毕业证。这就是本田在这一周干的事情! 5月24日,公司的解决方案出来了,每个人加伙食津贴55元。真是天大的嘲弄!工人们不是要饭的乞丐!面对本田毫无诚意的方案,愤怒的工友们决定继续罢工。










联系方法:[email protected]

严海蓉博士 (香港理工大学)
蘇耀昌教授 (香港大技大學教授)
司徒薇博士 (香港大學)
黃佳鑫 (香港理工大學學生會會長)
董叙霖 (联合国退休人员)

柏棣博士 (美国德儒大学)
马耀邦 (旅加拿大华人作家)
吴建斌 (旅美诗人)
彭昭昌 (旅美学者/麻州大学经济系)
刘申余 (旅美学者/自由撰稿人)
罗其云 (软件工作者)
金宝瑜(美国Marygrove 大学退休荣誉教授)
邱士杰 (台湾大学 历史学研究所博士生)
徐进钰(台湾大学 地理环境资源学系教授)
曾建元(台湾 中华大学行政管理学系 副教授)
张星戈(台湾 世新大学讲师)
陈信行(台湾 世新大学社会发展研究所副教授)
房怡谅(台湾 世新大学社会发展研究所硕士生)
关晓荣 (台湾 台南艺术大学教授)
林子文(台湾 自主工联荣誉会长)
蓝博洲(台湾 人间出版社社长)
关晨引(台湾 差事剧团 团员)
范振國(台灣 人間出版社常務編輯)
鍾 喬(台灣 差 事劇團 團長)
陈佩华 (悉尼科技大学教授)
萧裕均  (澳洲国立大学博士研究生)
李峻嶸 (香港教育學院社會科學系專任導師)
查建英  (著名作家、印度中国研究所中国代表)
梁晓燕  (北京市西部阳光农村发展基金会秘书长)
陈光兴  (台湾清华大学外文系教授)
梁文道  (文化人)
张铁志  (哥伦比亚大学政治学博士候选人)
张翠容  (香港资深新闻工作者)
陈美玲  (前乐施会项目官员)
Chung Ming Lai (Labour Action China)
陳宜中  (台灣, 中央研究院) 
王丹 博士(女) (香港大学) 
战洋 (纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校博士生)
张炼红博士 (上海社会科学院)
孫大成 博士(美國紐約州立大學賓漢頓分校退休教授)
杜 光 (中央党校教授 )
施晓渝( 民生经济学者)
何芝君 (理工大學應用社會科學系副教授)
鍾秀梅(台灣 成功大學台文所助理教授)
Alexander Day, Assistant Professor, Wayne State Univeristy.
Greg King, SEIU, Local 888, Boston, MA, USA
Stephen Philion, Associate Professor, St. Cloud State University
Daniel F. Vukovich (University of Hong Kong)
Tani E. Barlow (Professor of History, Rice University)
Marc Blecher (Professor, Oberlin College)
Joan Hinton
靳大成 (中国社会科学院文学研究所文艺理论研究室)
邹德宇 (转业军官)
Lee Feigon
Robert Weil (Retired Labor Organizer and Lecturer UC Santa Cruz)
John Sexton (journalist)
Ralph Litzinger (professor, Duke University)
Matt Hale (University of Washington, Ph.D candidate)
Joel Andreas (Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University)
Raymond Lotta (Author, Political Economist)
Jackson Turner (Independent Writer, Historian)
Andrew Ross (Professor, New York University)
Steve Louie


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